Play oGame - Jocul nu e o crima!!

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Play oGame - Jocul nu e o crima!!

Play oGame - Jocul nu e o crima!!

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Play oGame - Jocul nu e o crima!!

    VIP Plugin 2.05


    Sex : masculin
    Mesaje Mesaje : 138
    Banuti Banuti : 369
    Reputatie Reputatie : -3
    Data de inscriere Data de inscriere : 14/12/2011
    Varsta Varsta : 15

    VIP Plugin 2.05 Empty VIP Plugin 2.05

    Mesaj Scris de SeGaL Mier Dec 28, 2011 1:46 am

    Cind esti vip vei obtine:
    1.You get Free nades each round. (HE,2FB,SG)
    2.Free Armor+Helm
    3.You Get 500$ per kill and per HS 800$
    4.You Get 15HP per kill and per HS 30HP
    5.You See bullet damage at real time.
    6.Only VIP can buy Sniper's. (Like AWP)
    7.Write /vips u will see VIP's online.
    8.U will can use Admin Chat
    9.Slot reservation
    From 3 round u will begin see menu:
    1.Get Free M4K1 and Deagle+HE
    2.Get Free AK47 and Deagle+HE

    Module folosite:
    cstrike, fun

    bullet_damage 1
    amx_vip_hp 15
    amx_vip_hp_hs 30
    amx_vip_max_hp 100
    money_per_damage 3
    money_kill_bonus 500
    money_hs_bonus 200
    menu_active 1
    awp_active 1

    Cum se da VIP?
    "NICK" "PASSWORD" "bit" "ab"
    "ip" "password" "bit" "de"


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      Data/ora curentă este: Vin Iul 26, 2024 11:18 pm